The distinction that will be created when we have Menstrual Cups which is an innovative product in response to the traditional pads-tampons in our lives is huge. Considering the new world dynamics, factors such as living standards, intense pace of life and lack of time signify the innovation and development. Enacting the principle of ‘’least theory’’ - the expenditure of the least amount of effort to accomplish a task allows us to live without compromising our comfort and convenience. Menstrual cups, whose content and design are produced with all details in mind, trap the periodic flow just like tampons and pads. However, pads and tampons are more challenging as they are hygiene products that have to be changed frequently. In addition, if it not changed at regular intervals when necessary, they can threaten the skin and body health. Despite being practical products that are used by inserting in the vagina just like a tampon, our menstrual cups do not cause allergic reactions or other skin and intravaginal diseases that will disturb the body in long-term use.