Folding Types


“C-Fold”, which is the most common menstrual cup folding method, can be easily applied. İvno is folded into a C shape by squeezing the menstrual cup with your fingers. In order not to lose its shape, it is held from the top and inserted in the vagina by adjusting the rounded part to touch.


Triangle-Shaped Fold

“Triangle Shaped Fold”, which is one of the easily applicable shapes, is practical and comfortable. Create a triangle shape by folding the menstrual cup in one hand by the index finger of the other hand. Insert the menstrual cup, which you folded and shrunk, into the vagina together with its remaining part.


Shell-Shaped Fold

The "Shell Shaped Fold" can be done quickly, which allows to minimize the menstrual cup. Make it smaller by pressing inward using the index finger of your other hand on a point you have determined on the wide part of the menstrual cup you hold in one hand; then shrink the entire cup down by squeezing. Keeping the tip facing forward, insert it into the vagina.